Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cutie Gadget »Pluck that Yolk

As I before I am a kitchen gadget freak! Look kitchen 4 cheese graters (each suited cheeses), 20+ cooking knives (each uses), plastic containers variety (never know what !), half dozen frying pans. . No, there a need . But ! Whenever I see a new device I jump. And t no exception.

Available is Pluck the $13.99 egg yolk separator. Simply crack in container Pluck above . By squeezing suction right out. Then squeeze yolk wherever . Yolks main source cholesterol egg, so Pluck helps stuff out good stuff (protein) in.  I know, easily crack the ‘back from half shell shell’ technique. But I end shell egg 99% time. Some may eggs frequently enough a difference. But cooking whites t seems a perfect solution. Pluck separates in pieces totally dishwasher proof. a low maintenance cooking tool. Check out Pluck kitchen gadget fan life side out…so .

[ Pluck ]

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