Thursday, February 14, 2013

Cutie Gadget »Spin Your Food to Maximize Flavor

Whenever I take time meat I am surprised flavor mouth. Chicken herbs works well, especially. BBQ gets better marinating time. And a balsamic & garlic combo yields nice flavors veggies. There out there improve . Yet why often don’t think about before dinner? If house I am willing arrived home some nights, wanting but proper time .  And unfortunately a chef’s ideas execution.

For those’t think ahead, check out Express, $ The concept revolves around (no pun intended) intake when tumbled. Their cell structure opens infusions creep being battered around. Simply put in vacuum sealed container away. Former day processes take portions hour. Plus, anything potentially bad (bacteria, contaminants) literally spin out but food won’t dry out. get tender, well flavored food when cooked. The Marinade Express comes starter pack mixtures inspiration too. So if ready ordinary meats in flavors (Marinade) Express them.

[ Spin Your Food Flavor ]

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