Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cutie Gadget »Use the power of the dark side to charge your battery

Star Wars Vader Battery Charger

run, , but going half way through . ’t fight games what’s going through social media either. Of course, being afraid phone dying fear inevitable, which , hate, over life phones terrible.

If those steps, but still wouldn’t mind being dark side, then Wars Darth Vader Lightsaber Portable Battery Charger might be . Yes, LED inside light up, but no, through most everything universe. a battery capacity , which means ’t leave cold should a b excessive Candy Crush given day.

T just about any iOS, Window mobile phone, () phone. via microUSB, a USB port gear. cost $50, which isn’t too bad considering ’s a collectible item. Not, but it’s something’t just s collecting dust.

Available on Brando, found via technabob
[ Use dark side ]

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