Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cutie Gadget »Kano is all-ages computer and coding kit

Kano Computer Kit

While age where technology -changing, many people left dust. Computers without much insight what’s, representatives them right direction. Everyone from down, expected things out own. There , classes, walk what makes everything tick, but they’re fun, usually targeted specific age bracket.

seems funny current generation know how technology better than their parents, but difference ’t accessible when young. If learn about computers, then Kano excellent first step. Rather than teaching how they work, t a k one. 8GB SD card, a DIY speaker, keyboard, custom case, Raspberry Pi Model B, HDMI USB cables, a smart power plug, power-up.

Of course, there, but everything way similar . Once everything booted up, you’ll be able about coding, simple games. One full k cost you $99, in $199, a k a child somewhere world. Seeing idea was prompted 7-year-old boy who wanted building a computer , I’d say t be a great learning tool.

Available through Kickstarter, found via Technabob
[ Kano -ages computer kit ]

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