One fastest growing epidemics world children. Unfortunately school budget cuts, age games introduced a lifestyle food is, well fast . The attention formerly invested around, playing games physically active desk front TV. But if kids like I do, usually incentivize them out active. Their competitive nature provides a perfect catalyst them back activity.
Meet Sqord, promoting healthy play among children. Currently phase, Sqord enables kids equipped Sqord PowerB track their activity. After they create their PowerMe profile online – including a customizable fav icon – they start being active. Running, jumping, hoping, walking. Everything band. Sqord partnered their advanced accelerometer technology activity. Then just swipe over a Sqord SyncStation. Activity tracked child’s account. As a kid becomes active they rewarded medals in. They send virtual high fives . Not . The Sqord un made indestructible (see video). Although sign on their website. If a houseful classroom full ones let technology help them be – rather than less active.
Thanks: Washington Post
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