Friday, November 30, 2012

Cutie Gadget »iBattz announces Mojo Hi5 Powerbank Case

Have before? If ’t, here quick skinny situation. They a company out intelligent power solutions, latest addition line be Hi5 Powerbank Case. T marks their first foray in protective battery case market, especially’s latest iPhone 5. To put a nutshell, Hi5 Powerbank Case two-part protective case which a detachable 2500mAh aluminum battery users . T battery , also lightweight complement 5’s minimalistic design. Of course, powering iPhone all do, also offers USB devices.

Functionality were components when development Mojo Hi5. tell from looking outer case flawlessly slim form iPhone 5. As 5’s owner, option just protect thin yet protective case. Thanks rather beefy 2500mAh battery case effortlessly device go, also be easily removed USB enabled devices.

With Hi5 Powerbank case 2500mAh battery also comes matte black white cases, a USB USB charging cable, a Velcro strap short flex USB cable 5 when connected Apple Lightning USB adapter. Of course, who iPhone 5 contract would figure out out another $79.90 just smartphone case might be painful bank account, but think those moments when mile fail last minute.

[ iBattz announces Mojo Hi5 Powerbank Case ]

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